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Home >> SPiiPlusSPC
Application Development


Laser Processing and 3D Printing Machine Control UI

SPiiPlusSPC was developed for Laser Processing and Additive Manufacturing machine builders looking for an “out of the box” user interface software. It leverages SPiiPlus Platform motion control systems to provide control of the machine, including all motion axes, lasers, galvo scanners, cameras, and other automation components.


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Key Features

  • Flexible CAD-to-motion import and design: DXF, DWG, Gerber, STL.
  • 2D and 3D processing modes.
  • Laser Control Module support for accurate fixed beam laser triggering, dynamic power control.
  • Dynamic Position Monitoring: View commanded and actual stage axis positions during processing.
  • Flexible processing architectures: Fixed beam, stitching, adaptive mark on the fly.
  • Rich galvo scanner and vision system calibration features.
  • Pre-developed support for leading galvo, laser, and camera suppliers.
  • Customization Options via C# plugins.
  • Fully integrated support for XL SCAN systems with synchronized galvo and motion stage control.


XL Scan with SPiiPlusSPC